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Tips on how to improve yourself this year

Changing your personality and trying to be better is no easy task. You have to have strategies for helping you to improve. The New Year is the perfect opportunity to dream new dreams and set yourself up for a brighter future.

Don’t get caught up in what you haven’t accomplished or what you failed to do last year. Look ahead with a positive attitude and desire to achieve more. Be patient with yourself and know that it won’t be easy to do, but that you have the ability to create change yourself and your lifestyle.

Be good at setting goals this year. Don’t rely on having to repeat yourself each week and struggling to remember what it was you wanted to do. Come up with attainable goals and write them down. Make notes about why you want to achieve these and how you’re going to get there. Display your goals somewhere you can see them each day and be reminded of what you set out to do.

Take more Time for you

You can’t improve yourself if you’re focused on your job or everyone else. You have to turn the attention on you and make yourself a priority. If you work a lot, this means reducing your hours and increasing the time you spend relaxing and doing what you love. For example, go to the movies, try a new workout or play games online. It doesn’t matter what it is, as long as it makes you happy and gives you a break from your everyday demands and responsibilities.

Manage your Stress

You’re going to instantly improve yourself if you get your stress under control. This is usually the one roadblock holding you back from greatness. Make it your goal this year that you’re not going to allow stress to take over and change your mood or alter your health. Put actions in place that help you cut your stress in half. Go for walks, read or talk to a professional counsellor. When stress gets the best of you, it starts to impact your relationships, self-image and wellbeing negatively. Don’t give stress a chance to step in this year. Get ahead of it and set yourself up for success early.

Be Adventurous

You can’t become a better person doing what you’ve always done. Be adventurous and step outside your comfort zone often. This could be the year you change jobs or you go on that expensive vacation you’ve been saving up for. Shake up your life a bit and witness how good it feels not to be tied down to your rules and negative self-talk. Be active, get involved and start enjoying life again.


The New Year is the perfect time to revisit your life goals and work on yourself. Keep a positive outlook and hold yourself accountable as you make new changes. Get excited about all that could be if you stick to it.

Sandile Shabangu

158 Startup Blog posts
