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Are You Suffering From Entrepreneuritis Launchaphobia?

The idea of setting out on a new adventure is exhilarating but sometimes a little sickening.

Starting a business is quite an adventure and one that has no shortage of obstacles. This means that getting your business from an idea, to launch, to an actual operational business can be a roller coaster ride that not everyone is naturally built or ready for.

So if you’ve got the Entrepreneuritis itch, then this is for you!

You’ve got a big idea. You understand how you would like to make it into a reality. You have thought about some of the steps to get there. You have done a bit of market research. Maybe you have developed some basic branding or created an official social media account. Yet for whatever reason, you’re just stuck.

Don’t worry you don’t have to be stuck forever. This is a common side effect of the early stages of entrepreneurship, so you aren’t alone.

If your business is building in your head but isn’t being released out into the world then you may be suffering from Launchaphobia. More commonly referred to as Startup Paralysis.

The truth is that most if not all people have really great ideas, but most of those people are unprepared or unable to act on those ideas.

Common Signs of Early Stage Startup Paralysis 

1. Excuses

Someone affected might say think things like:

  • “I just need funding and then I can start.”
  • “As soon as xyz happens then I can start.”
  • “I don’t want to tell anyone because they might steal my ideas.”
  • “I probably need a mentor first”
  • “I don’t know what to do first”
  • “The market is probably to saturated”
  • “Is there even a need for this?
  • “Do I even have the time?”

If you are suffering from these, you are really just suffering from excuses.

Excuses are common before starting something new. Especially when starting a venture that has no guarantee of success, but once you get treatment and begin to recover from your Startup Paralysis you’ll be stronger and more capable than ever. Guaranteed.

2. Fear

Excuses are often rooted in fear. So Startup Paralysis even when addressed early on, still requires ongoing treatment for thoughts that are limited or fear-driven.

Fears that lead to excuses are among the most common symptoms that affect entrepreneurs and are what really separates the dreamers from the doers. 

Common Fears Caused By Startup Paralysis:

  • Fear of failure
  • Fear of judgement
  • Fear of discomfort
  • Fear of instability
  • Fear of success
  • Fear of selling
  • Fear of not knowing enough
  • Fear of being unprepared
  • Fear of risk
  • Fear of disappointment
  • Fear of leadership
  • Fear of self-management
  • Fear of funding
  • Fear of not knowing
  • Fear of making mistakes

Good thing is: fears are mostly imaginary and are just tricks our brain likes to play on us.

Plus it’s important to remember that fears can actually be very positive, and can arise whenever we are about to embark on something incredible or life-changing, not just when something is scary or dangerous.

If you aren’t in immediate danger, try to think of your fears as excitement or eagerness instead and see how your perspective shifts.

3. Discomfort

A helpful piece of advice when considering entrepreneurship is “get comfortable with being uncomfortable.”.

This honestly holds very true, because entrepreneurship is known to uncomfortable, especially in the beginning. So it’s good to just expect this from the start.

Entrepreneurship is about diving into the unknown and exploring new opportunities, so discomfort is just part of the journey.  

Understanding this, and adapting to discomfort as a tool to grow and evolve can help you overcome even the most severe Startup Paralysis and move forward more confidently. 

4. Treatment

Treatment for Startup Paralysis is not a quick fix. As it will require time, consistency, and determination to overcome it. 

Just remember that treatment is not an overnight solution, though it is a proven treatment method for countless entrepreneurs.

Even still, it’s important to understand that Startup Paralysis can come back at any time on your journey, but with the right solutions and mental approach it can’t ever stop you.

If you feel your Start-Up Paralysis returning: combat your limiting thoughts, feelings of uncertainty, fears, and excuses with knowledge. 

Learning is always your best treatment option. 

Take advantage of the opportunity to learn from the internet, from other people in your industry, from a mentor or a coach, or get involved in communities that will help you grow as both an individual and a business.

Uncertainty is one of the most difficult side effects to overcome, but committing to lifelong learning can eliminate most of the fears and excuses that you will face.

Once you recognize the symptoms of Startup Paralysis, you can take steps to overcome them right away. If you do, you will be on the road to recovery and a bright entrepreneurial future in no time.

After Treating Your Startup Paralysis You Could Experience:

  • Feelings of accomplishment
  • Growing levels of confidence
  • Improved decision making
  • Incremental success
  • Possibilities becoming realities
  • Heightened self-belief

If you think that you have been suffering from Startup Paralysis, fear no more because there is a cure and you are not alone in this!

Reach out to learn more about treatment solutions, or how to connect with other people who have been in your shoes.

Sandile Shabangu

158 Startup Blog posts
