"There was no startup ecosystem when I started and the entrepreneurial culture was very obscure.

There were lot of myths surrounding starting a business.

I was told that I need at least 2 degrees to be a starter.
I was told that I need connections to be a starter.
I was told that I need the business plan to get started.
I was told that I need an office to get started.
I was told that I need "funding" to get started.
I was told that I should could come from a "wealthy family" to be a starter.
I told that I need 5 years experience to be a starter.
I was told that my business will fail in three years.

They lied to me when they said I should be smarter to become a starter. I believe that my dreams were worth chasing."

Title: My Startup Life: A Memoir of the Servant of the Startup Ecosystem

#startupguy #startuplife
