I always thought of a life, a life very different, a life which very less choose to tread ever. I sacrificed. And I keep doing it. Sometimes it's blood, sometimes it sweat. Sometimes it takes away a part of me, and many a times it has taken all of me.

Everyone who ever cared have termed me crazy and have walked away at some point. My parents remain delusional till this day and all that they care is why, why I am like this, but keep caring and keep doing more and more.

And I am still lost in ravines. ? Do you know the pleasure of losing it all some times overshadows the pleasure of gaining it all? Because it was for a cause and it will always remain for a cause.

I may prove, I may not, but you all who feel or see me at some light, listen, never give away your dreams ever. If you choose to ditch your dreams then you have ditched yourself. And at the end of this illogical post I will still remain the one who have chosen to be different. Go figure now.

