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Ernest Mbili  is feeling Cool
4 yrs

My First post . . .

I downloaded the App yesterday after I saw an Ad I think on Facebook, but I only created the profile today, few minutes ago.

Wow ? I am amazed, this App is great, I have been here for few minutes, I spent like 10 minutes navigating the App, but already I can tell, it is great, very neat and innovative. I never thought we have such beautiful Apps and such beautiful ideas in South Africa. Discovering this App reminded me this quote,

"If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

So I just realized that there are so many trees that falling out there, and we don't see or hear them.

However, there is only one thing, just one this that I am not happy about, The popping Ads, I think the owners of the App should come up with another innovative way of placing Ads. The way Ads are placed is spoiling my excitement. I would be very to see this error fixed.
