We are part of the Miro Startup Program, claim your $1000 in credit!

Miro is the collaborative online whiteboard with everything your startup needs to scale and
succeed at speed. Discover and validate your ideas, do deep research, design products, and
apply product frameworks easily. With Miro, startups can get ready to take on the world.


To get to know Miro, here are some resources:
-Miro Startup Video
-How to get started with Miro
-Onboarding for startups
-Miroverse templates for startups

-Startups should have a free Miro account, startups with a paid account are not accepted
-Startup should be less than 7 years old
-Have not raised more than $10M in dollars
-Startups can not be owned by a parent organization
-Startup has less than 30 employees
-Startup program is not for professional service providers

Miro Startup - Application | Miro

Miro Startup - Application | Miro
