
There are some misconceptions about freelancing, a few questions I get asked and an exaggerated sense of utility that comes with the job.

Here are some common questions and answers:

1. Is it okay to work for free when you start out with freelancing?

- Yes, only if the client allows you to showcase the work done with them on your portfolio. Do this only when you're starting out.

2. Am I killing the market if I offer my services for 1/10th of what others seem to be offering?

- No. This will offend many, but when you offer your work, it'll offer value. You might charge R1000 for a logo while your competitors charge R10,000.

Somewhere else, someone will be charging R100,000. So there is never a fixed price.

You can find average charges online but they're an estimation.

If offering services for cheap isn't illegal, then there is nothing to worry about.

But yes, at some point, you'll also find yourself charging clients significantly more over time.

3. This agency said that their in house editor earns R20K per month so they cannot give you that much. They're offering me less. What should I do?

- So many things to cover here.

If they're being so open and mentioning how much someone is earning at their firm, then maybe you should be wary of your own privacy.

If they have an in house editor, it's sketchy they would ask for another one, even if there's a lot of work to cover.

Most likely, they're lowball-ing you to get a better deal. Even try and check if they have an onboard editor or not.

Your experience and quality isn't the same as someone else's. It's a ridiculous comparison and you shouldn't agree to their terms. It won't go well.

4. I see content writers on YouTube earning $5000 every month. Even graphic designers and video editors. How is that possible?

- Firstly, your earnings differ from region to region. Secondly, there isn't any proof or credibility.

Most YouTubers won't show how much they are making - sometimes you'll see a screenshot and even that can be faked.

But, what if I told you that a select few actually make as much as they say?

Yes, they do, but it's a nice little secret that shouldn't be let out.

It's a small circle of freelancers that do this, and they will never mention it in their videos, posts or blogs.

They might tell you that their main source of income is let's say, content writing, but they work on something similar, without disclosing that info.

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