You're the CEO of a mid-stage or mature firm with an AGR of 10%-30% faced with two forks in the road, two radically different choices:

1. Do I want to drive this to a successful exit so that I can reap an enormous financial reward; or,

2. Do I want to continue to grow the firm, with this respectable AGR, and simply remain comfortable with the life it provides me.

Neither is a moral or ethical choice. Neither is intrinsically right or wrong.

If you choose number 2, I think you're in safe territory.

On the other hand, if your objective is an exit in 3-5 years for several hundred million or, perhaps, more, it's extremely unlikely to be realized without a capital infusion.

The 'why' of it is quite simple. Your firm needs to DRAMATICALLY increase it's AGR, rapidly, and consequent EBITDA, if it's to be an attractive acquisition candidate at the magnitude of dollars noted above.

That won't happen virally, organically; it takes a significant increase in staff, and a thrust into new geographic areas concurrent with a striking expansion of new business in your existing territory.

