Dear young entrepreneur,

Don't give up as yet, big things happen to those who work for them.

Listen, no one owes you any funding. No one owes you any contract. And definitely no one owes you their attention even if it is a minute. No one owes you their support.

Work on your business model. Sharpen it, create a track record however small. Get customers. Sell. Stop looking for funding.

Get your vision clear. Bayeke bahleke labo abangazi lutho. Stop entertaining naysayers, the biggest on being in your head. Just make sure you do your utmost to bring your dream to life.

Remember, it will always get darker as you approach the success highway. Many people will be at awe with your energy and resilience and will want you to neglect your ultimate goal. Do not let them. Some people will tell you that they love you, don't fall into their trap. Don't go near their houses.

Afterall, remember that life is truly what you make of it.

Lastly, it is better to make baby steps than not moving at all.

