Digital & Business Skills for the 4th Industrial Revolution
Digital & Business Skills for the 4th Industrial Revolution Mar 17

Digital & Business Skills for the 4th Industrial Revolution

days hours remaining

This programme targets existing SMMEs and potential entrepreneurs; and individuals, preferably young people in the ages between 18 - 35, who are interested to become equipped with the necessary skills needed to thrive in the 4th Industrial Revolution with the best resources available. This is considered as an opportunity for young people to tap into the ICT business by becoming Internet Service Providers and Domain Registrar Providers, for example. Preference will be given to people who are interested in the IT field, such as web developers, programmers, SMMEs and entrepreneurs.

Attendance to this programme is FREE of charge to participants and fully sponsored. Transport, Lunch and refreshments included... Delegates must bring their own notepads and pens.

Applications are now open. Limited to 50 participants.

Email us at

Contact us at 0875167277

03/17/21 - 10:00 Start date
03/19/21 - 15:00 End date
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